Step to Make Anime using Adobe Photoshop
- DRAWING : Saya menggunaka pensil "Tri Graphite 2B" kemudian hasilnya di scan atau di photo.
- SKETCHING : Buka Photoshop lalu ikuti gambar untuk membuat line art menggunakan "Pen Tools" kemudian setelah mengukiti line art satu per satu lakukan klik kanan lalu pilih "Stroke Path", centang "Simulate Preassure", tools pilih "Brush" dan OK. Lakukan sampai semuanya selesai.
- COLORING : Masih menggunakan program yang sama, cara mewarnainya menggunakan "Brush" lakukan pada area-area yang dibutuhkan.
Selamat Mencoba...!!! :)
This is a brief tutorial, hopefully understandable
- DRAWING : I make use of a pencil "Tri Graphite 2B" then the result is scanned or photographed.
- SKETCHING : Open Photoshop and follow the pictures to make line art using the "Pen Tools" then after mengukiti line art one by one to do right click and select "Stroke Path", check the "Simulate Preassure", tools select "Brush" and OK. Do it until everything is finished.
- COLORING : Still using the same program, how to color them using the "Brush" did in the required areas.
Good Luck... !!! :)